First blog

Saturday, 25 January, 2025

Welcome to my photography blog. I decided to try out something new, kind of. I have blogged before, but it was about films and music. And it was 15 years ago. Here I’ll be sharing thoughts about photos I’ve taken, or could’ve took, different photography days, tools, work, idéas etc. 

I hope to find this somewhat therapeutic. Just writing down everything photography. And I hope others interested in photography will enjoy it too. I’m sure this will become more clear as time goes, but for now I will just write down anything that comes to mind.

I guess I also want something to be able to look back on in a years time, or five, to see where I was and where I’ve gone and take learnings from that.

I dont have any comments on these posts, but if anyone wants to get their thoughts out you can always DM me on Instagram. @lapinjean

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